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Read our reports for timely research on the energy and policy landscape in Canada.


3 – Proposed Guiding Principals and Priorities

Some Canadian jurisdictions have shown leadership on the low-carbon transition. For example, British Columbia, Quebec, and Alberta have carbon-pricing regimens, Ontario has the Green Energy and...

2.4 Case Studies

Some observers consider Canada a unique situation, because we happen to have an enormous geologic endowment of fossil fuel resources that today are critical to the global economy. However, other...

2.3 Not a Moment to Lose

These recommendations embrace both near- and long-term thinking. Though the low-carbon transition will unfold over the course of decades–renewable energy and emissions targets frequently extend to...

2.2 A Paycheque that Pays Back

The fossil fuel sector is currently drawing resource workers from every province and territory–generating financial stability for many Canadians and their families. However, a growing body of...

2.1 A $3 Trillion Opportunity

The world is undergoing an energy transformation. It is the start of a necessary shift away from the fossil fuels we depend upon today for mobility, heat, and other services, and towards clean, safe,...

2.3 Benefits of a New Energy Economy

Although profound change is daunting, canadians have made such dramatic adjustments before and the potential rewards are great. The transition to a new-energy future promises benefits for a generous...

2.2 The Risks of Business As Usual

As the world’s large economies jockey for position in the race to a new-energy future, canada is languishing near the back of the pack. By one account, this nation has in recent years missed out on...

A Changing National Identity

As a country that built its wealth and power on the back of its substantial natural resources, Canadians have long seen themselves as hewers of wood and drawers of water. But our leadership in...

New Energy Attitudes

By the middle of this century, we expect Canadians will have completely transformed their relationship with energy. In our vision, they would no longer assume that energy is free and ubiquitous, nor...

Economic Prosperity

In 2050, Canada could be enjoying a vibrant, diverse economy and an international reputation as a developer of energy production and conservation technologies, innovative transportation products,...

Leadership in Renewables and Energy Services

In the new energy economy of 2050, we envision that Canada will overwhelmingly derive its energy from clean and renewable sources— wind, solar, water, biomass, and geothermal resources—instead of...

Efficient Modes of Transportation

A business trip between Toronto and Quebec City could take just under two-and-a-half hours, from office to office, aboard a comfortable, reliable, and Canadian-built high-speed train. We expect...