Conducting original research

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7. Detailed Discussion of Results

The above discussion is based on a life cycle comparison of seven potential B.C. scenarios, including production, processing, transportation and liquefaction. Detailed methodology, assumptions, and...

6. A Recipe for LNG Leadership

After exploring various options (see Section 7, below), we conclude that a world-leading British Columbia LNG facility would need to be powered with a combination of grid electricity, new renewables,...

5. Factors Influencing the Carbon Footprint of LNG

As the above examples illustrate, not all LNG facilities are created equal. In British Columbia, industry proponents have a range of technologies and strategies at their disposal—both...

4. The Cleanest LNG in the World

The cleanest LNG in the world is currently produced at two separate facilities located a half world apart: Statoil’s Snøhvit project, on the island of Melkøya in the Norwegian Sea, and the Gorgon...

3. Our Approach

To define what “cleanest LNG” really means, and recommend how British Columbia could achieve it via a hypothetical LNG sector, we commissioned a scan of the global LNG industry, a survey of best...

1. Executive Summary

British Columbia is at a crossroads. After gaining an early advantage on climate change leadership with a suite of policies including a revenue-neutral carbon tax and an aggressive greenhouse gas...

Endorsers of A New Energy Vision for Canada

INDUSTRY Aeolis Wind Agentic Communications AIR MILES For Social Change Alterra Anderson Greenplan Big Green Island Transportation Biro Creative Black River Hydro Black River Wind BluEarth Renewables...

Endorsers of Towards a Clean Energy Accord

INDUSTRY Canadian Wind Energy Association (represents 435+ companies and members) Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (represents 35+ companies and members) Clean Energy BC (represents 300+...

4 – Conclusion: Towards a Clean Energy Accord

A Canadian energy strategy, encompassing the objectives, principles and priorities outlined above, could be an effective tool to accelerate Canada’s necessary transition to a low-carbon energy...

3.2 Framework for a Canadian Energy Strategy

In addition, leaders are calling for a comprehensive framework for a Canadian energy strategy to ensure that we address all critical and relevant issues, including jobs and prosperity, ecosystem...

3.1 Principles for a Canadian Energy Strategy

We believe that any energy framework intended to ensure the nation will prosper and remain competitive into the clean energy future must include: Energy Security Provide affordable, accessible,...