Conducting original research

Read our reports for timely research on the energy and policy landscape in Canada.


Making the Grade

As federal and provincial politicians pile into the debate over carbon pricing, a more pressing question has emerged: if certain provinces reject federal climate action, what would they do instead?...

An Uncertain Future

For the last 15 years, proponents have touted B.C. LNG as a cleaner substitute for coal in Asian power plants that would lower global emissions while growing B.C.’s economy. The LNG industry points...

photograph of crane on construction site in dense city centre

A Green Buyers Club

The goods and services purchased by governments make up a significant share of our economies. When governments wield this spending power strategically, it has the potential to drive policy change and...

photograph of diesel trucks and buses driving down a three lane road in north america

On the Road to Net Zero

B.C. is Canada’s undisputed electric car leader, where one in every five vehicles sold is now electric. There’s just one problem: most transport emissions in the province come from commercial...

A Renewables Powerhouse

In 2023, a few things are impossible to ignore. One is climate change: from floods to heatwaves, it’s clear the climate clock is ticking. Then there’s energy: whether it’s $2 gas or higher home...