In late 2016, Canada released the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF), which included a focus on reducing transportation-related emissions. The framework includes four action areas for transportation: 1) setting emission standards, 2) putting more zero-emission vehicles on the road, 3) shifting from higher to lower emitting modes, and 4) investing in infrastructure and cleaner fuels. Identified actions include the development of a Clean Fuel Standard, a zero-emission vehicle strategy, and expanding government leadership through procurement.
Each of these elements is critical to helping Canada reduce carbon pollution in the transportation sector, while also creating a domestic market for clean fuels and zero-emission vehicles. This domestic market in turn helps domestic companies compete in the global clean transportation market.
The global market for clean transportation is growing rapidly. China, the U.K., Germany, and many other countries recognize the importance of this market and are developing climate change and clean growth policies to capitalize on it.
Each recommendation below will help Canada realize its climate ambitions, support a competitive clean transportation industry, and help Canadian households and businesses benefit from this transition.