
What Canada can learn from the EU’s climate policy

Outside our borders, Canada is perhaps best known for its spectacular wilderness: its lakes, rivers, mountains and coastlines draw visitors from all over the globe. Canada’s new prime minister,...

Ontario Continues to Lead in Renewable Energy

TORONTO—Ontario Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli announced today the province will add 930 MW of renewable energy—enough to power approximately 250,000 average Canadian homes—from solar...

5 Principles for Designing Effective Biofuels Policy

Every time you fill your vehicle’s tank, a portion of the fuel you buy comes from plants, not fossil fuels. That’s because, since 2005, provincial and federal policies in Canada have required...

Biggest barrier for B.C.’s LNG is economic

In energy markets, a few years is a lifetime. Fast fluctuations in supply or demand, along with myriad other factors, can send oil and gas prices skyrocketing or into the cellar. And the results —...