Quebec pledges to support cleaner trucks and buses
French version below. VANCOUVER—If you think low- and zero-emission vehicles stop at electric cars, think again. Trucks, buses, even port and garbage trucks — there are many types of vehicles...
French version below. VANCOUVER—If you think low- and zero-emission vehicles stop at electric cars, think again. Trucks, buses, even port and garbage trucks — there are many types of vehicles...
Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy program at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Through media briefs, we aim to provide journalists with useful factual...
Most say they can and should do more personally As the country enters an election campaign, the latest Abacus Data–Clean Energy Canada poll reveals that 9 in 10 voters see climate action as...
Greenland melting, Amazon burning latest signs From hurricanes to melting ice in Greenland, the large majority of Canadians believe that these situations are linked to human- and industrial-caused...
VICTORIA — Merran Smith, executive director at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to the memorandum of understanding made between the federal government and the...
When you ask people to imagine clean energy in Canada, most will picture spinning wind turbines, fields covered in solar panels or rushing dams. To which our organization, Clean Energy Canada, so...
Carbon pricing is a regular feature of Canadian headlines, as parties and governments clash over the right to impose a price on pollution across Canada. Many of these discussions are centred around...
We all have to get around. We take the car or the bus to work, we drop our kids off at school, we stop by the supermarket regularly. All that moving around takes up a large portion of our lives. It...
VICTORIA — Merran Smith, executive director of Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to the province of B.C. and BC Transit’s announcement that it aims to transition its...
If facts are the colourful pools of paint on an artist’s palette, then perhaps the truth is the whole painting. Paint, in other words, does not make art without the artist. And a single fact does...
VICTORIA — Merran Smith, executive director of Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to new public transit funding from the federal and B.C. governments that includes money...
They may not make many headlines, but policies that help Canadians and businesses waste less energy are a win-win. Families want lower utility bills. Businesses want to cut costs and improve...