Making headlines

Read our media releases, op-eds, and media briefs for the latest on Canada’s shift to clean energy.

Media releases

Will Canada miss the (electric) bus?

VANCOUVER — Canada has an electric bus problem. Electric buses are making a real—and rapidly growing—dent in emissions: as reported earlier this week, electric buses will displace 270,000...

B.C. budget delivers dollars for CleanBC

VICTORIA — Dan Woynillowicz, policy director at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to the B.C. government’s 2019 budget: “The true test of any budget is whether a...

electric car

Canada targets 100% zero-emission vehicle sales by 2040

“Canada’s 2040 goal has the right destination in mind, but as they say: the journey is no less important. We look forward to seeing the details of a plan that ensures Canada cuts pollution and...

Flooded home in Ontario

Ontario’s climate plan needs to fill in its blanks

TORONTO — Sarah Petrevan, senior policy advisor at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to the Ontario government’s plan to address climate change: “If you want to...