Clean Energy Canada | The carbon price debate is a distraction. What would those who oppose it do instead?
March 28, 2024

VANCOUVER —Trevor Melanson, Communications Director at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to the federal government’s scheduled April 1 carbon price and rebate increase:

“A lot of political noise has been made about the carbon price, but the real political scandal is a lack of climate leadership from certain premiers and party leaders offering no alternative.

“As a recent open letter signed by over 250 Canadian economists made clear, ‘the most vocal opponents of carbon pricing are not offering alternative policies to reduce emissions and meet our climate goals. And they certainly aren’t offering any alternatives that would reduce emissions at the same low cost as carbon pricing.’

“The reality is that most Canadian households get more back than they pay, while carbon pricing has been a rounding error in the battle to calm inflation, responsible for just % of total inflation, according to the Bank of Canada.

“What’s more, Canadian households will spend less on energy over time as they switch to clean energy to power their homes, vehicles, and businesses—a shift that carbon pricing helps accelerate. 

“Climate change is already altering our way of life. Unlike carbon pricing, global warming is driving up food prices as crop yields dwindle around the world. Here in Canada, farmers in B.C. have lost entire harvests this year after successive extreme weather events. Meanwhile, Canadian air quality ranked worse than America’s last year thanks to 2023’s devastating wildfire season, delivering huge costs to our health and economy.

“Put simply, scrapping carbon pricing will not make life more affordable for Canadians, but climate change will cost us dearly—especially if we fail to meet the challenge with serious solutions. Undermining climate action is the real scandal of our time.”


  • More than 250 of Canada’s leading economists have signed a letter pointing to the effectiveness of carbon pricing at reducing emissions with minimal cost to Canadians and the economy. 
  • A family that adopts a few common clean energy solutions—including EVs and heat pumps—could knock $800 off their monthly energy bills, compared to one that is largely reliant on fossil fuels.
  • The government of Canada has a carbon rebate calculator, helping households see how much they pay versus how much they receive in rebates. The majority of households receive more back than they pay.


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