Clean Energy Canada | Media Statement: Alberta Moves Forward With Climate Change Consultation
August 14, 2015
The Government of Alberta has moved another step closer to a climate action plan that will deliver meaningful greenhouse-gas reductions. This morning, the province announced the members of a climate advisory panel that will gather the views of Albertans on climate leadership.
The panel will examine carbon pricing, the transition to a more sustainable electricity sector, how to grow the renewables economy in Alberta, and how to advance an energy efficiency framework. It will begin with public consultations in Calgary and Edmonton the week of August 24, and deliver advice to government by the end of October.
The following comments may be attributed to Dan Woynillowicz, Policy Director, Clean Energy Canada:
“The range of perspectives, experience and expertise represented on this panel will prove critical in advancing a credible climate action plan for Alberta. Their task is ambitious, but essential for the government to deliver on its mandate for climate leadership.”
“Albertans have all too often heard about what can’t be done on climate change, and this consultation is an important opportunity to talk about the abundant solutions that are being deployed elsewhere in Canada and around the world.”
“Numerous jurisdictions have accelerated the phase-out of coal-fired power and ramped up renewable energy. This can be done cost-effectively while reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and health impacts.”
“We look forward to participating in the process and sharing our views on the climate and clean energy policies that can deliver the results Albertans want to see.”