Clean Energy Canada | Listen: Our Clean Energy Quarterly Webinar on Climate, Clean Energy, and the 2015 Federal Election
February 1, 2015

The coming federal election will have enormous implications for clean energy and climate policy in this country. How will the federal parties likely position themselves, and where is the electorate at?

Last week we welcomed two guests—political observer David McLaughlin and pollster Keith Neuman—who closely track the Canadian political landscape. The two shared their insights on which party is likely to say what on clean energy and carbon pricing, and how the public is likely to respond.

We led off, as usual, with a quick recap of the trends, milestones, and breakthroughs that are shaping the global and domestic clean energy landscape. Have a listen to the full episode, below.

Note: We’ll also be posting this in the Apple Store, for those who prefer to listen to this in a podcast format. Stay tuned for the link.