
Quebec and Ontario Cozy Up On Clean Energy and Climate

The heads of Canada's two most populous provinces agreed to work together on a range of clean-energy opportunities including, potentially, Quebec sending more of its squeaky-clean power over the...

On Location: ElectraFest 2014

From classic California road trip tales with modern electric twists to labour-of-love projects like sprucing up a Porsche with an electric motor, there was no shortage of stories to illustrate how...

We can kick the carbon habit. Here’s how.

A heavyweight team of experts, headed by economist Jeffrey Sachs, produced the new Pathways to Deep Decarbonization analysis. The UN-backed project asked research teams from 15 countries to come up...

B.C. Carbon Tax Doesn't Hurt Agricultural Sector: Study

Despite industry claims to the contrary, British Columbia's carbon tax has not hurt the province's agricultural sector, a new Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions study concludes. Further, the...

Canadian Firm Drives Strong Global Clean Energy Results

A Canadian company's record investment in a massive new Dutch wind farm—one of the biggest deals in the industry's history—helped drive strong second-quarter results across the global clean...