
Ontario’s coal phaseout in perspective

In a new report released this morning, the Fraser Institute paints a simplistic portrait of Ontario’s coal phaseout—the single largest greenhouse gas reduction initiative in North America to...

Clean energy is too good a deal for Trump to pass up

In the days following the election that will put Donald Trump in the White House, media coverage about the prospects for America’s clean energy sector read like an obituary. After all,...

Does Canada’s new climate plan get us on track?

It’s a whole new ballgame for climate action and clean growth in Canada. The climate deal struck late Friday in Ottawa committed premiers and the prime minister to work together to hit our...

First Ministers Meeting on climate December 2016

First Ministers reach groundbreaking national climate plan

OTTAWA—Clean Energy Canada released the following statement in response to the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change released today: QUOTES “For the first time, governments...

Canada's electric vehicle future is closer than you think

A decade ago, there were only a couple thousand electric vehicles on the road worldwide. Last year, they cruised past a million—and kept going. But that’s nothing compared with what’s to come....

Letter: How we define Canada's clean growth century

The 150-year history of Confederation is but a speck of time compared to the lifespan of planet earth. Birthdays are a good time to look back, but an even better time to look forward. As Canadians,...

B.C.'s latest climate plan fails its most important test

The true measure of any climate plan can be boiled down to one question: how well does it reduce carbon pollution? Apply this test to the B.C. Climate Leadership Plan, which involved more than 15...

B.C.'s climate plan is off target: report

VANCOUVER / COAST SALISH TERRITORY — Today, the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Pembina Institute, and Clean Energy Canada released the first independent assessment of British Columbia’s...

A glimpse at the future of electricity in Ontario

Electricity is a big deal in Ontario. Whether driven by public outcry over rising rates or the propensity of politicians to respond, you can’t turn a corner—let alone the pages of a...