Making headlines

Read our media releases, op-eds, and media briefs for the latest on Canada’s shift to clean energy.


How Canada is subtly shifting its economy for the future

The headlines today are full of stories on the North American Free Trade Agreement, and rightly so. But while NAFTA rules the front pages, other economic policies in Canada are taking shape in the...

With or without Site C, the future of B.C. is electric

We’ve reached peak Site C. You can’t turn on the TV, open a newspaper or scroll through Twitter without hearing about B.C.’s multi-billion-dollar Site C mega-dam. And depending on the day and...

Nissan Leaf

It’s time Canada got serious about electric cars

Not long ago, electric cars were curiosities — auto show novelties, toys for the rich, outliers in oil-demand forecasts. But like the iPhone, Netflix and other history-bending innovations, electric...

Two huge energy trends Canada can’t afford to ignore

What does Canada’s energy future look like over the longer term? It’s a critical and timely question—made even more relevant as our country, at least many of our political and business...

Why rebates for electric cars work

Last month, Ottawa officially kicked off work on a national strategy for zero-emission cars. And this week, a thoughtful report from Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission said that offering incentives to...

As Trump quits Team Paris, a silver lining for Canada

After kicking the can down the road multiple times before making a decision, today U.S. President Donald Trump followed through on his campaign promise to remove the United States from the Paris...

Map - Canada, U.S. & Mexico

Why carbon pricing won’t make Canada less competitive

Let’s start with a prediction: Any move Ottawa makes toward a price on carbon pollution will be greeted with a chorus of concerns about competitiveness. Expect to hear that companies will be at...