Clean Energy Canada | Bridging the gap: Lessons from the U.S. on buying 'clean' construction materials
April 1, 2022

You’re invited to join a Clean Energy Canada webinar exploring how the U.S. is using “Buy Clean” policies to cut emissions and grow the market for low-carbon building materials—and what lessons Canada can learn. The webinar is based on the findings of a recent Clean Energy Canada report, Lessons from the United States on “Buying Clean” and recommendations for Canada.

The webinar will feature a short presentation, followed by a discussion with experts Senator Chris HansenMeghan Lewis and Jordan Palmeri as well as Canada-based Sarah Petrevan.

The outputs of heavy industry—steel, cement, aluminium and other key materials—are the building blocks of our infrastructure and built environment. But they also account for almost a third of our global carbon emissions. Decarbonizing the processes behind these key materials is fundamental to the transition to net zero.

Over the past five years there has been growing interest in using government procurement to create demand for lower-carbon building materials. This approach, called “Buy Clean”, has been gaining significant traction in the United States—and is now an increasing priority for Canadian policy makers. As we begin to grapple with the difficult questions of changing the way we procure and deliver infrastructure, what lessons can we learn from our neighbours south of the border?

Join us on May 12 for a discussion on the policy and politics of Buy Clean, and learn about the findings of our new report: “What lessons can Canada learn from Buy Clean in the U.S.”