Clean Energy Canada | Biden speech emphasizes a shared prosperous U.S.-Canadian clean economy
March 24, 2023

VICTORIAMark Zacharias, executive director at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s speech to Parliament:

“Today, President Biden spoke to Canada’s political leaders about the integral links between the U.S. and Canada in the transition to clean energy.

“As the president noted, climate action and growing our respective economies go hand in hand. In particular, Biden highlighted that the transition to clean energy will create millions of good, often union jobs.

“The president also highlighted our integrated auto sector and a growing EV supply chain that will include, among other things, Canada’s critical minerals.

“Earlier this week, Clean Energy Canada released a new report highlighting that Canada will see 700,000 more energy jobs in 2050 than exist today if Canada (and the world) reaches net zero, with growth in clean energy jobs outpacing the decline in fossil fuels.

“With the U.S. investing half a trillion dollars in clean energy and other countries quickly following suit, the energy transition is already a reality—and Canada and America are ready to drive forward together.”


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