The Attractiveness Index – How to Make Canada the Destination for Renewable Energy Investment
A shift in clean energy capital flow is forcing global markets to evolve and adapt—and those who don’t risk getting left behind. Ernst and Young’s recent Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI) report ranks Canada in 9th place, behind the U.S., Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, and India—one spot behind our 2015 ranking.
In light of this finding, how can the federal government increase Canada’s attractiveness as a destination for renewable energy investment?
Join us in Ottawa on June 9, 2016, to explore answers to this question—along with panelists Klair White, Associate Director at Ernst & Young and Editor of Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI), Thibaut Millet, Partner and Leader of Ernst & Young’s Climate Change & Sustainability Services, Colleen Giroux-Schmidt, Senior Director – Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs for Innergex Renewable Energy Inc Tom Rand, Managing Partner of ArcTern Ventures and Senior Advisor at the MaRS Discovery District. The discussion will be moderated by Clean Energy Canada’s Policy Director, Dan Woynillowicz.
Our Panelists
Klair White, Associate Director, EY, Energy Infrastructure Advisory
Thibaut Millet, Partner, EY, National leader, Climate change and Sustainability services
Colleen Giroux-Schmidt, Senior Director – Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs, Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.
Tom Rand, Managing Partner, ARCTERN VENTURES
Moderator: Dan Woynillowciz, Policy Director, Clean Energy Canada
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